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Lagging Indicators

APAC classifies an LTI as a workplace injury that resulted in a worker not attending one or more entire rostered day/shift
APAC classifies MTI as any injury requiring treatment by a medical practitioner, e.g. doctor, physiotherapist
APAC classifies FAI as an injury requiring application of first aid whether by a qualified first aider or use of first aid consumables (e.g. ice pack, bandages)
APAC classifies a near miss as any event with the potential to cause an injury has the circumstances been altered
APAC classifies RO as any event resulting an injury either not requiring treatment, or resulting in medical investigations (e.g. x-rays, MRIs)
Incidents reportable to regulatory authorities such as WorkSafe Victoria/Tasmania
Improvement Notices or PINs issued by a regulatory authority such as WorkSafe Victoria/Tasmania

Leading Indicators

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